Personal loans are for people who need cash urgently, mainly for their personal reasons. This loan is easier for those people as it do not require any form of collateral or guarantor to acquire. Besides, this loan is given to individuals with good credit profile and the ability to repay the loan.

Why Apply?

Everyone may face short term financial difficulty, but once we overcome this, it will become smoother in future. Sometimes you may need the extra money for medical bills, credit card and education debts. For whichever reason, we can reduce your burden by help you to achieve your personal financing needs. Therefore, your financial might be resolved if you apply personal loan from us.


We prefer borrower that works for someone for more than 6 months. You need to provide your IC copy, 3 months payslip and 3 months bank statements. Besides that, you can also provide your latest EPF statements as well as utility bills to proof where you stay.

If the borrower is self-employed, we will need your IC and SSM registration form. Besides, you also need to provide 6 months of company bank statement to show consistent turnover for the company. We also need MBPJ license or any local authority licenses, such as hawkers or food stalls.

Lastly, we will need to arrange a site visit, to see your office, factory, shop or stall. If you are a freelance, we will visit your home office or place where you do your work, take some time to verity your personal account bank statements to show consistent income.

Why Choose Us?

  • We do not require upfront payment.
  • It is easy to apply loan from us.
  • Fast approval of our loan.
  • Quick to disburse upon loan approval.
  • Flexible repayment scheme such as no penalty if early repay.

Who Are We?

We are a licensed money lender which have over 10 years of experience in Malaysia. And we have helped resolve many people’s financial difficulties. We specialize in cheque cashing, business loan, SME loan, working capital and debt consolidation for individuals, business owner as well as free-lancer.

We have branches throughout Malaysia such as Kedah, Penang, Seremban, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. However, we specialize in Johor Bahru, Masai, Senai, Pasir Gudang, Gelang Patah, Kulai, Kluang, Kota Tinggi and Simpang Renggam.


If you need cash immediately, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will provide you the most suitable loan depends on your needs. Lastly, we will assess your credit status and repayment ability of your company.

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